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Analyse your Competition

Know your competition's every move

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Do you know your Competitors?
You are not alone. 65% of the Product Teams do not know more than 2 direct competitors to their product.
1. Understand what your Product does
Know your USP and core value proposition.
2. Research your target market
Understand who you are building for and their pain points.
3. Find Competition
List the players in this market.
4. Categorise them
Bucketize the list.
5. Focus on direct competition
Drill down and understand direct competitors.
You need the EDGE
61% of Businesses say Competitive Intelligence directly impacts Revenue
CI Matters
98% of key stakeholders say Competitive Intelligence is important to their success.
80% of Product Managers do not know about the latest feature or product of a direct competitor.
Get a comprehensive report in no time!
Submit a request to get one step closer to a comprehensive report of your competitors. Our team will get in touch with you within 48 hrs of your request.
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