How many flights land in San Francisco International Airport every day?
#traffic #footfall
Clarify question
Assumed - we are talking about an average day. Nothing to with time of the year
Required numbers
Number of runways operational
Operational time
Time between each landing / take off
Un-suitable weather and wind
Is the airport saturated - close to operational capacity?
Estimating the numbers
Total runways = 4. At a given time, mostly only 2 are used
Peak operations are for 18 hours. Assuming rest 6 hours operations are close to zero.
One hour = 3600 seconds
Time between landing / take off = 60 seconds
Assume 50:50 distribution of landing and take off
Unsuitable conditions for weather and wind = 10%
Assuming airport has achieved about 80% of operational capacity
Estimate with equation
Number of landings = # of runways * peak operations (in seconds) * landing % * (100 - unsuitable%) * % of Operational capacity achieved / Time between landing or take off
= 21836000.50.9*0.8 / 45 = 775 flights lands per day
State your assumptions
I assumed 60 seconds difference between each flight landing / take off.
Sense Check
775 per day translates to 775 / 18 per hour = 43 per 60 minutes. Less than a flight per minute.
You generally see at least one flight land in the airport every one minute during peak hour. So you are close, good to go
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