What is the monthly revenue Spotify makes from Spotify Premium?
Clarify question
Spotify all over the world or in US alone? US alone
Required numbers
Spotify Active Users
Spotify Paid Users
Premium Subscription $$
Estimating the numbers
Spotify Active users = ? Do not know, let us assume and arrive at it
Spotify Active users = 300 * 0.6 * 0.5 = 90 million
US population = 330 million
of users who listen to music via digital apps = 60% (excluding kids and older generation)
% of users lost to competition like Apple Music, Youtube etc = 50%
Premium Subscription: 10 dollars per month
Spotify users eventually pay if not in the initial month. They may pay for 1 month or 3 years, that we will consider in the next part. You have heard that their conversion rate is way too good and not below 10% for sure. Assume free to paid % = 25%
Estimate with equation
Revenue per month from premium spotify users = Spotify Active users per month * premium subscription $$ * conversion rate
= 90100.25 = 225 million $
State your assumptions
I assumed conversion rate is high about 25%
I assumed 30% of US population uses Spotify on a monthly basis
Sense Check
Compare with known revenue of competitors or Spotify total revenue (if you know them)
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